Does BHDG ship internationally?

Unfortunately we are only shipping within Australia for now.

We will announce future shipping details on our social media accounts (Instagram and Tiktok). Make sure to turn on our post notifications so you don't miss out.

How long does an order take to arrive?

Please allow 5-7 business days for your order to be delivered. You can check your tracking number for updates or email us.

Can I make changes to my orders after it's been placed?

We do everything we can to ship orders ASAP, so if you there's a mistake with your order, please contact our team ASAP.


Can I cancel/refund/exchange my order?


Orders can be canceled/modified within 24 hours of order placement. Send us an email about it and we'd be glad to help you! Orders that have been shipped cannot be modified or cancelled.


Refunds are only offered to customers that receive the wrong items or damaged items. If any of these apply, please contact us at bhdgbusiness@gmail.com

Please include photos of wrong/damaged items we’ll send you a new one, or issue a refund!


We do not accept exchanges. If you’re unsure which size would fit, check out our sizing charts—we have one for every item listed on our store, in the product description section.

Though rare, it’s possible that an item you ordered was mislabeled. If that’s the case, please let us know at bhdgbusiness@gmail.com

Please include your order number and photos of the mislabeled item, and we’ll send you a new one, or issue a refund!

How can I track my order?

Once you place your order online, you will be able to see the details of the purchase through the email you provided us.

You will be emailed an order number. Please allow up to 2 days for a tracking number to be emailed to you.